
Nicole Tavares Nicole Tavares

Your guide to maintenance and repairs in sectional title schemes

Owners are often unaware of who is responsible for the maintenance and repair costs for a particular item should something go wrong. In this first article Suzanne and Fausto discuss the fundamentals that need to be understood when dealing with maintenance and repairs.

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Nicole Tavares Nicole Tavares

The ever changing role of CSOS

In this recent blog post Zerlinda talks about her recent dealings with the CSOS, and the inconsistencies that she has picked up.

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Nicole Tavares Nicole Tavares

How to HOA Part 4 | Who is the management committee of an HOA?

In the fourth instalment of this 7 part series, Nicole focuses on the management committee of the HOA: who they are, how they are elected and removed, what their duties/obligations are, and how they differ between common law and Non-Profit Company HOAs.

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Nicole Tavares Nicole Tavares

Auditing Your Financial Knowledge | Fact vs. Fiction

Due to the rise in sharing of legislation and knowledge through the internet and social media, this has led to some non-considered opinions based on limited or no knowledge of the subject matter. This article explores common misconceptions people currently have about auditing.

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Nicole Tavares Nicole Tavares

The next 10 fire safety tips for your scheme

In our second instalment we continue our exploration by presenting an additional 10 invaluable tips, we received from Wynand, that can further secure your scheme's defences against fires.

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Nicole Tavares Nicole Tavares

Asbestos and the impact thereof

In this article Indawo breaks down the different types of asbestos, and what owners responsibilities are with regards to asbestos, in community schemes.

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Nicole Tavares Nicole Tavares

TID rollover | What is it all about?

In this article, Terence Drake discusses the need to ‘upgrade’ prepayment metres by November 2024, and the Token Identifier (or TID) rollover, as well as what this means for community schemes.

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