Discovering the Power of Community: Beyond the Boundaries of a Scheme

16 February 2024 | Hendrik Hoffmann

The concept of community and the close-knit nature of living in a community scheme is often discussed. However, this year I have had the privilege of learning that this sense of community extends beyond the boundaries of a community scheme. 

When we moved into our new office in February, we had a lot of work to do. As the first office I owned, I wanted it to be perfect. One major project was the garden, which was not only massive but pretty empty apart from a few amazing and well-established trees. I take a lot of pride in my two Avocado trees, not to mention my Marula tree.

Hendrik Hoffmanns' garden at Rise Property Solutions, containing a log, greenery and a water feature, with a surrounding managing agent office.

Interestingly, one of the property's previous owners, an elderly lady living here in the 1950s, had won the prestigious "Garden of the Year" award multiple times. Her garden was so stunning that even the First Lady would have tea parties there. Talk about pressure!

Since we spend more time at the office than at home, creating a tranquil environment for the team was of utmost importance to me. I wanted to ensure that anyone entering our office, regardless of their mood, could immediately feel relaxed upon passing through the gate.

While I enjoy gardening, I must admit that I'm not very skilled at it. It becomes particularly challenging when you have limited knowledge about plants and simply choose something that looks nice in a nursery. Then you find yourself googling whether it prefers sun or shade. Not to mention having to imagine what the plant will look like when fully grown. 

That's when I witnessed the incredible love and sense of community within our industry.

Without even asking, one of the building managers, who happened to be extremely talented with gardening, insisted on coming to the office on weekends to landscape one of the flowerbeds. And let me tell you, it looks absolutely stunning.

One of the community schemes donated plants from their overgrown areas, while an owner and former trustee contributed plants from her private garden. I was also fortunate enough to have another trustee bring baked goods to the office while we were working in the garden. This same trustee even surprised us with a delicious almond tart for dessert at our year-end function last year.

My ideas for the garden kept flowing. We created a natural area with a rustic fountain and natural rocks, a tropical section filled with ferns, a bird bath, and a feeder. Plus, we added a seating bench surrounded by Monte Carlo, a creeper that emits the smell of mint when you walk over it to reach the bench.

Our next project will be establishing a succulent area. And finally, we plan to create a Zen Garden in the quiet back corner of the garden. This will serve as a designated spot where no work-talk will be allowed. Every member of the team will be required to sit here for at least 20 minutes a day to recharge. 

Once the garden is fully established, my plan is to create an additional outdoor seating area with a table and chairs. This will be perfect for trustee meetings during the beautiful summer days.

So far, we have already planted over 900 plants, and we're not even halfway done yet. Rome was indeed not built in a day. If only I had the famous Roman patience… 

The love and support extended beyond the garden when another elderly trustee decided to declutter her belongings. Knowing my love for all things pretty, she generously gifted me with a complete Alesse tea set to serve refreshments to my clients.

This experience has taught me that despite the challenges we often face in our industry, taking a step back reveals the true extent of community. The appreciation and love are real, and through small acts of kindness, we can truly make a difference in the world.

Applying these principles within any community scheme will resolve most of the problems we experience and discuss on our Facebook Group. 

"The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members." – Coretta Scott King

What an impactful quote! I challenge each person who reads this to make the effort, setting aside our differences and actively fostering the sense of community that we experienced growing up. By embracing kindness and unity, we can create a world where the power of community knows no bounds. Let's come together and make a difference in the lives of those around us.

Should you require any more information regarding this topic, don’t hesitate to contact us today on 061 536 3138 or at

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About the Author

Photo of Hendrik Hoffmann

Upon completion of his BCom degree in Business Management at the University of Pretoria, Hendrik embarked on a career in the Sectional Title Industry. With more than ten years of experience under his belt, he recognized a pressing need for enhanced transparency, streamlined processes, and superior service through the incorporation of technology. This prompted him to establish Rise Property Solutions in 2018.

Hendrik’s extensive knowledge and proficiency in Sectional Title matters have earned him invitations to numerous radio shows, where he has served as a valuable guest speaker. He has also established the largest Facebook Group in South Africa dedicated to Sectional Title Living, further cementing his reputation as a leading Managing Agent in the industry.


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